Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Average Monthly Expenses

Now that we are done with exams and wrapped up our first year, and I have some time at my hand, I thought of writing down this stuff which might be of help to the incoming students, especially the international ones who continue to speculate as to what the average monthly expenses are going to be.

As part of the admissions package, you must have received a form which states the first year expenses to be around some $50000+, inclusive of the monthly expenses. And this leaves many worried every year. Well, this is a standard university form and is just a reflection as to what the maximum expenses might be. But here is what you would actually land up spending on a monthly basis:

Accommodation - $400-$500 including utilities (electricity, water, heating, internet in come cases)
Food & all SPIRITual commodities - $150-$200
Books/Course Packs - $100(assuming about $400 per semester)
Cell Phone - $50-$75
Miscellaneous - $100

These would be the likely expenses for a student without his/her own car and uses the bus service. So in any case, on an average, one would land up spending about $700-$800 on a monthly basis for living and other related expenses. These are just approximations based on my personal experience as an international student.

So, I hope I have been able to do away with some of your apprehensions about the monthly expenses. The summer is getting beautiful here and we all are looking forward to meet each one of you. Trust me, it is a great place to be and have fun! Till my next post….Aloha Comrades !